Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Rabbinar Sandy Eisenberg Sasso (f. 1947 i Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) er ein rekonstruksjonistisk rabbinar og barnebokforfattar. Ho vart ordinert ved Reconstructionist Rabbinical College den 19. mai 1974 som den første kvinnelege rabbinaren innafor rekonstruksjonistisk jødedom og den andre kvinnelege rabbinaren nån gong i USA. Sandy Eisenberg Sasso er gift med rabbinar Dennis Sasso, og dei har borna David (f. 1976) og Debora (f. 1979).
Oppvekst og utdaning
Sandy Eisenberg vart fødd i Philadelphia i Pennsylvania i 1947. Ho var aktiv i reform-menigheita med ho vaks opp, og da ho var seksten begynte ho å tenkje på å bli rabbinar, sjølv om ho visste at det ikkje tradisjonelt var muleg for kvinnor. Hausten 1969 begynte ho studia ved Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, som hadde vorte etablert året føre. Under studia gifta ho seg med klassekameraten Dennis Sasso, og da dei vart ordinert i 1974, vart dei det første rabbinar-ekteparet vi kjenner til i historia.
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Sasso served as rabbi of the Manhattan Reconstructionist Congregation and, from 1977 until 2013, as rabbi along with her husband at the congregation Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis, making the Sassos the world's first couple to serve jointly as rabbis.[1]
Sasso appeared in a 2005 documentary, titled And the Gates Opened: Women in the Rabbinate, which features stories of and interviews with her, rabbi Sally Priesand, and rabbi Amy Eilberg.[2][3]
On December 6, 2010, at Temple Reyim in Newton, Massachusetts, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso met for the first time with Sally Priesand, the first Reform female rabbi, Amy Eilberg, the first Conservative female rabbi, and Sara Hurwitz, considered by some to be the first Orthodox female rabbi.[4][5][6] They and approximately 30 other women rabbis lit Chanukah candles and then spoke about their experiences in an open forum.[5][6]
On June 3, 2012, Priesand, Sasso, Eilberg, and Hurwitz met again, this time at Monmouth Reform Temple at a celebration honoring the four first women rabbis to be ordained in their respective movements, and the 40th anniversary of Priesand's ordination.[7] In May 2013, Sasso retired as senior rabbi of Beth-El Zedeck.[1]
- God's Paintbrush, illustrated by Annette C. Compton, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, VT), 1992.
- In God's Name, illustrated by Phoebe Stone, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 1994.
- But God Remembered: Stories of Women from Creation to the Promised Land, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 1995.
- A Prayer for the Earth: The Story of Naamah, Noah's Wife, illustrated by Bethanne Andersen, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 1996.
- God in Between, illustrated by Sally Sweetland, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 1998.
- For Heaven's Sake, illustrated by Kathryn Kunz Finney, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 1999.
- God's Paintbrush, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 1999.
- What Is God's Name?, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 1999.
- God Said Amen, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 2000.
- Cain and Abel: Finding the Fruits of Peace, illustrated by Joani Keller Rothenberg, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 2001.
- Naamah, Noah's Wife, illustrated by Bethanne Andersen, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 2002.
- Adam and Eve's First Sunset: God's New Day, illustrated by Joani Keller Rothenberg, Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, Vermont), 2003.
- Abuelita's Secret Matzahs, Emmis Books (Cincinnati), 2005.
- Butterflies under Our Hats, Paraclete Press (Orleans), 2006.
- The Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other, Jewish Lights Publishing, 2012.
Andre bøker
- Call Them Builders: A Resource Booklet about Jewish Attitudes and Practices on Birth and Family Life, Reconstructionist Federation of Congregations and Havurot (New York), 1977.
- The Voices of Children, Co-editor with Siddur Kol HaNoar, Reconstructionist Press, 2005.
- God's Echo – Exploring Scripture with Midrash, Paraclete Press (Orleans), 2010.
- "How Jewish Women Have Come to Read the Bible: The Creating of Midrash" in The Sacred Calling: Four Decades of Women in the Rabbinate, CCAR Press, 2016.[8][9][10]
Prisar og æresverv
Sasso har fått mange prisarog æresverv i løpet av karrieren:[11][12]
- Honorary Doctor of Humanities, DePauw University, 1986.
- Special Merit award, Vermont Book Publishers, 1992, for God's Paintbrush.
- Children's Books of Distinction Award finalist, 1994, for In God's Name.
- Best books of the year honor, Publishers Weekly, 1995, for But God Remembered: Stories of Women from Creation to the Promised Land.
- Best books of the year honor, Publishers Weekly, 1996, for A Prayer for the Earth.
- Sagamore of the Wabash award, Governor of the State of Indiana, 1995.
- Named among Influential Women in Indiana, Indianapolis Business Journal, 1997.
- Honorary D.H.L., Butler University, Indianapolis, 1999.
- Honorary Doctor of Divinity, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, 1999.
- Honorary degree, Christian Theological Seminary, 2000.
- Helen Keating Ott Award for Outstanding Contribution to Children's Literature, 2004.
- The Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 2013.
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 "Life - Indianapolis Star -". Indianapolis Star. Retrieved 29 October 2014.
- ↑ October 27, 2015. "What women bring to the rabbinate - Cleveland Jewish News: Articles About CJN Archive". Cleveland Jewish News. Retrieved 2015-10-27.
- ↑ "BCC Professor & BCC Graduate Win EMMY Awards – CUNY Newswire – CUNY". 2006-04-27. Retrieved 2015-10-27.
- ↑
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 "The Jewish Chronicle - Classifieds, News, Business, and Events". Retrieved 29 October 2014.
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 "Celebrating the First Lights of Women Rabbis". Retrieved 29 October 2014.
- ↑ "Four Firsts". Retrieved 29 October 2014.
- ↑ Hirshel Jaffe. "The Message of the Sacred Calling: Our Journey to True Equality | RavBlog". Retrieved 2016-05-26.
- ↑ Zauzmer, Julie (2012-12-14). "‘I not only envisioned it. I fought for it': The first female rabbi isn’t done yet". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2016-05-26.
- ↑
- ↑ "Rabbi Sandy Sasso".
- ↑ "HUC-JIR Announces 2013 Graduation and Ordination Ceremonies in Cincinnati, Los Angeles, and New York". Retrieved 29 October 2014.
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