Liberal islām
Islām |
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Skrifter og lovar |
al-Qur’ān (Koranen) Ḥadīth - Sunna |
súrah - fiqh - fatwa |
sharíah - hisba |
Dei fem søylone |
sjahādah (truvedkjenning) |
salah (bøn) |
zakāt (almisser) |
ramadān (fastemånaden) |
haddj (valfart til Mekka) |
Helige plassar |
Mekka - Medina |
Al-Quds (Jerusalem) |
Nadjaf - Karbala |
Sakralbygg |
moské - minaret |
mihrab - qiblah Ka’abah |
Geistlege |
muaddhin - imam |
mullah - ayatollah |
mufti |
Sentrale personar |
Muhammad |
Aisja - Ali |
følgjesveinene til Muhammed |
profetar i islām |
Merkedagar |
Hidjra |
Det muslimske året |
aid ul-fitr |
aid ul-adha (aid al-kabir) |
ʕāsjūrāʕ - arbaʕín |
Andre søylor i islām |
djihād |
Retningar |
Sunniskular: Madhhab: hanafi - hanbali djafari - maliki - shafi'i Kalam: asjari - djabriyya maturidi - murdjiti - mutazili qadariyya Sjíʕahskular: ithna asjaria - ismailiyah zaiddiyah - alawi - alevi haridjisme: sufri - azraqi - ibadi Andre rørslor: sufisme - wahhabisme salafisme liberal islām aḥmadiyyā - zikrisme Nation of Islam 5%-nasjonen druzisme - yezidisme |
Sidan 1800-talet har progressive muslimar produsert ei stor mengd liberale tankar innaför islām (på arabisk: الإسلام الاجتهادي eller «interpretasjonsbasert islām» eller الإسلام التقدمي eller «progressiv islām» — men somme reknar progressiv islām og liberal islām som to olike rørslor [1]). Dessa rørslone har til felles ein religiøs ståstad som er basert hovudsakleg på idjtihad, eller nytolkingar av skriftene. Liberale muslimar tolkar al-Qur’ān og ḥadīth ut frå personlig perspektiv heller enn ut frå tradisjonelt muslimsk perspektiv. Liberale muslimar hevdar generelt at de vender tilbake til prinsippa i det tidlege muslimske samfunnet og til de etiske og pluralistiske intensjonane med de islamske skriftene.
Reform, ikkje skisme
De liberale gruppone er rørslor i islām heller enn eit forsøk på skisme. De trur på de seks trusartiklane og de fem søylone. De reknar syna sine som fullt ut föreinlige med den islamske læra. Hovudskilnaden frå meir konservativ islām er de olike syna på kossen de islamske grunnverdiane skal kombinerast med livet i den moderne verda.
Fokuset på personlig tolking og etikk heller enn på de bokstavlige skriftorda har ein forløpar i sūfī-tradisjonen innaför islamsk mystikk.
Detta utgangspunktet i reform heller enn skisme har gjort at liberale muslimar ønskjer å halde kanalane opne og derfor oftast prøver å balansere kritikk av spesifikke gjerningar frå konservative og fundamentalistiske muslimar, inkludert terrorisme, med samtidig å gje uttrykk for ein varierande grad av förståelse for og solidaritet med trusfellane. Særlig mangelen på bastant fordømming av militante islamistar har ofte vorte sterkt kritisert av vestlige kritikarar — og ganske særlig av de som hevdar at alle konfliktane som finn stad i og ved muslimske område i dag representerer ein grunnleggande og eksistensiell konflikt mellom vestlig sivilisasjon og islām.
Sentrale grunnprinsipp
Denne artikkelen er ikkje ferdig omsett enno. |
Several generally accepted tenets have emerged:
- The autonomy of the individual in interpreting the Quran and Hadith
- A more critical and diverse examination of religious texts, as well as traditional Islamic precedents
- Complete gender equality in all aspects, including ritual prayer and observance.
- A more open view on modern culture in relation to customs, dress, and common practices
- In addition to use of Ijtihad (or re-interpretation of scriptures), the use of the Islamic concept of fitrah, or the natural sense of right and wrong, is advocated.
Samtidige og kontroversielle saker
Over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, in accordance with their increasingly modern societies and outlooks, liberal Muslims have tended to reinterpret many aspects of their religion. This is particularly true of Muslims who now find themselves living in non-Muslim countries. Such people may describe themselves variously as liberal, progressive or reformist; but rather than implying a specific agenda, these terms tend to incorporate a broad spectrum of views which contest conservative, traditional interpretations of Islam in many different ways. Although there is no full consensus amongst liberal Muslims on their views, they tend to agree on some or all of the following beliefs:
Idjtihad (nytolking av skriftene)
- This means that liberal Muslims often drop traditional interpretations of the Qur'an which they find too conservative, preferring instead readings which are more adaptable to modern society (see ijtihad). Most liberal Muslims reject derivation of Islamic laws from literal readings of single Qur'anic verses. They generally claim that a holistic view which takes into account the 7th century Arabian cultural context negates such literal interpretations.
- The reliability and applicability of Hadith literature is questioned by liberals, as much of traditional Islamic law derives from it rather than Quranic text because there is are immense gaps in legal and family issues
De fleste liberale muslimane meiner at islām fremmar idéen om fullstendig likeverd mellom alle menneske på jorda, og at detta er eitt av de grunnleggande trekka ved religionen. Menneskerettar er dermed eit viktig tema for de fleste av de liberale muslimane. Mange land med muslimsk fleirtal har skreve under internasjonale menneskerettsavtalar, men den faktiske verknaden av dessa på lokale rettssystem har foreløpig vore liten.
- The place of women in Islam, traditional gender roles in Islam and Islamic feminism are likewise major issues. For this reason, liberal Muslims are often critical of traditional Islamic law interpretations which allow polygamy for men but not women, as well as the traditional Islamic law of inheritance under which daughters receive less than sons. It is also accepted by most liberal Muslims that a woman may lead the state, and that women should not be segregated from men in society or in mosques. Some liberal Muslims accept that a woman may lead a mixed group in prayers, despite the custom for women to pray behind or in a separate space. However, this issue remains controversial; see women as imams. Some Muslim feminists are also opposed to the traditional dress requirements for women (commonly called hijab), claiming that any modest clothing is sufficiently Islamic for both men and women. However, other Muslim feminists embrace hijab, pointing out its tendency to de-sexualize women and therefore assist them in being treated less as an object and more as a person. Furthermore, some Muslim feminists prefer to wear the hijab as an obvious sign that they are indeed Muslim, while also feminists.
- Some liberal Muslims favor the idea of modern secular democracy with separation of church and state, and thus oppose Islam as a political movement.
- The existence or applicability of Islamic law is questioned by many liberals. Their argument often involves variants of the Mu'tazili theory that the Qur'an is created by God for the particular circumstances of the early Muslim community, and reason must be used to apply it to new contexts.
Toleranse og ikkjevald
- Tolerance is another key tenet of Liberal Muslims, who are generally more open to interfaith dialogue and conflict resolution with such communities as the Jews, Christians, Hindus, and the numerous factions within Islam.
- Liberal Muslims are more likely to reflect the idea of jihad in terms of the widely accepted "internal spiritual struggle" (jihad-al-akbari) rather than an "armed struggle." (jihad-al-kathri) The ideals of non-violence are prevalent in Liberal Muslim ideology and backed by Qu'ranic text; "permission to fight is given only to those who have been oppressed... who have been driven from their homes for saying,'God is our Lord'" (22:39)
Vekt på sekulær vitskap
- Liberal Muslims tend to be skeptical about the validity of Islamization of knowledge (including Islamic economics, Islamic science, Islamic history and Islamic philosophy) as separate from mainstream fields of inquiry. This is usually due to the often secular outlook of Muslim liberals, which makes them more disposed to trust mainstream secular scholarship. They may also regard the propagation of these fields as merely a propaganda move by Muslim conservatives [2].
- Liberals are also less likely to treat Qur'anic narratives of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jesus and other prophets of Islam as historical fact. Instead, liberals sometimes view these as moral stories (or mythology) meant to reinforce the ethical message of Islam. Such liberals accept scientific ideas such as evolution and the results of secular history and archaeology rather than stories from scripture.
Islām og anarkisme
Utdjupande artikkel: Islām og anarkisme
Ved al-Qur’an åleine
Utdjupande artikkel: Qur'an alone
Qur'an only Muslims, or sometimes anti-hadith Muslims, have a very critical view of hadith and generally do not accept hadiths as an authentic and/or reliable source. The Qur'an is given precedence or in some cases Hadith is all together rejected. In both cases, the lack of reliance on hadiths permits re-interpretation of Qur'anic verses, genereally towards a more liberal point of view. Criticisms of this approach relay the popular Muslim belief that Hadith is in essence the purist interpretations of the Qur'anic text.
Kritikk av liberal islām
Både moderate og konservative muslimar er ofte kritiske til liberale muslimar, sidan de meiner at liberale muslimar fremmar ei utvatna og oautentisk form av islām for å assimilere seg i vestlig kultur. Kritikarane deras meinar at det er mulig å godta mange grunnleggande verdiar frå vestlig kultur, inkludert kvinnerettar og vitskaplige teoriar som utviklingslæra samtidig som ein held seg til tradisjonelle islamske verdiar. I tillegg er det djupe meiningsskilje om visse tema som ofte polariserer både liberale og tradisjonelle muslimar. Somme liberale muslimar godtek for eksempel homofili, sjølv om konservative muslimar generelt reknar dét som forbode. Men sjølv blant liberale muslimar er dette eit veldig omstridt spørsmål — sjå «Homofili og islām».
Russland og CIS
Kjeldor og referansar
- Qur'an and Woman by Amina Wadud.
- American Muslims: Bridging Faith and Freedom by M. A. Muqtedar Khan.
- Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook Edited by Charles Kurzman.
- Progressive Muslims: On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism edited by Omid Safi.
- Qur'an, Liberation and Pluralism by Farid Esack.
- Revival and Reform in Islam by Fazlur Rahman.
- The Unthought in Contemporary Islamic Thought, by Mohammed Arkoun.
- Unveiling Traditions: Postcolonial Islam in a Polycentric World by Anouar Majid.
- Islam and Science: Religious Orthodoxy and the Battle for Rationality by Pervez Hoodbhoy
- The Viability of Islamic Science by S. Irfan Habib, Economic and Political Weekly, June 05, 2004.
Sjå òg
Tenkjarar og aktivistar
- Khaled Abou Al-Fadl
- Alireza Alavitabar
- Mohammed Abed Al-Jabri
- Mehdi Bazargan
- Luthfi Assyaukanie
- Shirin Ebadi
- Muhammad Ali of Egypt
- Ahmad Ghabel
- Muhammad Iqbal
- Ghulam Ahmed Pervez
- Syed Ahmed Khan
- Rashad Khalifa
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Mohsen Kadivar
- Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
- Mohammad Khatami
- Edip Yuksel
- M.A. Muqtedar Khan
- Fazlur Rahman
- Ziauddin Sardar
- Abdolkarim Soroush
- Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari
- Yousef Sanei
- Ali Shariati
- Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im
- Irfan Habib
- Javed Ahmed Ghamdi
- Pervez Hoodbhoy
- Reza Aslan
- Mostafa Malekian
- Irshad Manji
- Mahmoud Taleghani
- Mahmoud Mohamed Taha
- Bassam Tibi
- Amina Wadud
Ideologiar og institusjonar
- Modern Islamic philosophy
- Muslim WakeUp!
- Liberal Christianity
- Liberal Islam Network
- Woman imam
- Al-Fatiha Foundation
- 99 Precepts
- Qur’an alone Islam
- Exposing the call for the reformation of Islam by Abu Ismael al-Beirawi
- No To Political Islam
- Progressive Muslim Union of North America
- Muslim Wake Up! Online progressive Muslim magazine
- Understanding Islam Islam From Various Aspects in Light of Qur'an and Sunnah
- alt.muslim Muslim news forum and podcasts
- AMILA American Muslims Intent on Learning and Activism
- Islamic Liberal group website from Indonesia
- Charles Kurzman's Liberal Islam links compiled by the author of Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook (published 1998 by Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN 0-19-511622-4).
- Al-Fatiha Foundation dedicated to lesbian, gay and bisexual Muslims.
- QALANDAR Islam and Interfaith Relations in South Asia by Yoginder Sikand
- by Zeeshan Hasan
- by Dr. M.A. Muqtedar Khan
- Muslim Refusenik website of Irshad Manji, author of "The Trouble with Islam."
- Tasneem Project -TGP Yakoub Islam's Anarchist Muslim website.
- Under the Cover of Islam - A New York Times op-ed by Irshad Manji about Liberal Islam in North America and Europe.
- "Can Islam change?", Ziauddin Sardar, New Statesman, 13 September 2004
- Eteraz Popular blog maintained by reformist Ali Eteraz
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