Kristen økologi
Kristen økologi er fellesnamnet på fleire rørslor innaför kristendommen frå andre halvdelen av 1900-talet som har til felles at de arbeider for större vekt på økologiske problemstillingar ut frå trua at detta er ein naturlig konsekvens av kristen etikk. Rørsla har sin parallell i økokasjrút innafor jødedommen og økoḥalāl innafor islām.
Alternativ jul
Simple living
- Alternatives for Simple Living — “Alternatives is a non-profit organization that equips people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly. Started in 1973 as a protest against the commercialization of Christmas, our focus is on encouraging celebrations that reflect conscientious ways of living. Throughout our 30-year history, we have led the movement to live more simply and faithfully. We have developed many different resources, organized an annual Christmas Campaign (‘Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?’), held the Christmas Gift Contest, led numerous workshops, and reached countless people with the message of simple, responsible living. By becoming a Member, you can help us challenge the way our consumer society continues to usurp our holy days and to exploit people and the environment. With your help, more and more people can experience the joy that comes from celebrating and living in ways that affirm all.”
- Christian Ecology Link (Storbritannia) — “Offers insights into ecology and the environment to Christian people and churches. Offers Christian insights to the Green movement. Publishes a magazine, Green Christian. Publishes a News Bulletin. Publishes ChurchLink, a free twice yearly A4 resource leaflet/poster for any church that requests it. Produces resource packs and leaflets. Arranges events, e.g. This year’s Conference with workshops is 1 October 2005. Has a daily prayer guide. Has a prayer forum/group for prayer about climate change. We are responsible for our impact on God’s creation as a whole. CEL helps members to understand and relate these responsibilities to their faith. Members can then encourage others in their local church to think seriously about these issues.”