Frå Alnakka.net
Økoḥalāl er ei rørsle innaför islām som arbeider for större vektlegging av økologiske problemstillingar i matproduksjonen ut frå trua at dette er ein naturlig konsekvens av islamsk etikk. Rørsla har sin parallell i økokasjrút innaför jødedommen og kristen økologi innaför kristendommen.
- Faith in Place: Eco-Halal (Chicago, Illinois, USA) – “Eco-Halal™ is designed to serve four communities: the community of Muslims in Chicago, the community of small and mid-size Illinois farmers, the community of animals raised for consumption and the community of the earth. By creating a branded product of meat that is humanely and naturally raised, and Halal, in accordance with the dietary restrictions of the Muslim faith, we can serve all four. This initiative will provide value-added product to the farmers of our region, help to meet the dietary needs of the Muslim community, and insist on the highest standards for humane treatment and natural farming techniques.”